Genetics, Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Molecular Profiling in Solid Tumors
This 30-minute course for healthcare providers aims to teach the basics of molecular profiling in solid tumors: what it is, what it's for, and how to discuss it with patients.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Oncology and Nutrition
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. It has been designed to introduce you to the diversity of nutritional risks, status, assessments, and interventions in patients with cancer.
Women's and Children's Health, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Infant Faltering Growth
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to teach you everything you need to know about faltering growth in infants under 2 years of age.
Pediatric Nutrition
Our courses on faltering growth in children, a set covering birth to adolescence. For healthcare providers who want to learn more about growth monitoring and management of children with malnutrition.
Women's and Children's Health Free
Fast Facts: Fallo de medro en niños
El propósito de este curso es proporcionar una visión general del fallo de medro en lactantes y niños menores de 2 años de edad. Los temas tratados son la presentación de esta condición, su identificación y su manejo.
Women's and Children's Health, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Gagal Tumbuh pada Bayi
Kursus ini dirancang untuk memberikan gambaran umum mengenai gagal tumbuh pada bayi dan anak di bawah usia 2 tahun. Topik-topik meliputi presentasi, identifikasi, dan manajemen.
General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Urogenital Atrophy
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to keep you up-to-date on everything you need to know about urogenital atrophy. Topics include presentation, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management.
Women's and Children's Health, General Medicine Free
Malnutrition in Children and Adolescents – Fundamentals
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to teach you everything you need to know about malnutrition in children and adolescents, including recognition and management.
Fast Facts: Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibition in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
An interactive course for healthcare providers, designed to provide a practical overview of the management of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, focusing on interleukin-6 receptor inhibition therapy and its biosimilars.
Fast Facts: Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibition in Giant Cell Arteritis
An interactive course for healthcare providers, designed to provide a brief, practical overview of the management of giant cell arteritis, focusing specifically on interleukin-6 receptor inhibition therapy and its biosimilars.
Fast Facts: Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibition in Rheumatoid Arthritis
An interactive course for healthcare providers, designed to provide a brief, practical overview of the management of rheumatoid arthritis with interleukin-6 receptor inhibition therapy, with a specific focus on tocilizumab and its biosimilars.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Monitoring MGUS
A 60-minute, CPD-accredited, interactive eLearning course on monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS). Designed to teach the multidisciplinary healthcare team how to identify and monitor MGUS in order to improve patient outcomes.
General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Fast Facts: Biosimilars in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to keep you up-to-date on everything you need to know about biosimilars in IBD. Topics include clinical equivalence, switching and interchangeability.
Dermatology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Actinic Keratosis for Primary Care
An interactive course designed to teach you about the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of actinic keratosis in primary care. This course is aimed at healthcare providers in the United Kingdom, but is suitable for a global audience.
Actinic Keratosis
Welcome to this 3-part micro-learning series on actinic keratosis (AK). The interactive video-based courses will teach healthcare professionals the basics of how to identify and manage AK in primary care and when to refer to secondary care.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Biosimilars in Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia – What, Why, How
Biosimilar G-CSFs in treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, identifying patients who are at risk for neutropenia and its complications, use of biosimilar prophylactically and in disease management, economic considerations and current laws.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Prevent, Manage, Access – Biosimilars and Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia
Biosimilar G-CSFs in treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, identifying patients who are at risk for neutropenia and its complications, use of biosimilar prophylactically and in disease management, economic considerations and current laws.
Campus (English)
Drafting and publishing a manuscript can be a complicated process. Therefore, Karger has created Campus, a series of courses to simplify it. These 10 courses have been created and reviewed by experts in each topic.
Oncology, General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Fast Facts: Cholangiocarcinoma and Targeted Therapy
An interactive course for healthcare providers, designed to introduce you to the development and use of targeted therapeutics as later-line therapy in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
Oncology, General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Fast Facts: Colorectal Cancer
An eLearning course for healthcare providers who are already familiar with colorectal cancer. This course has been designed to teach you about the latest treatment guidelines for colorectal cancer, with a special focus on metastatic disease.
Respiration, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Managing Respiratory Allergic Disease with Allergen Immunotherapy
An interactive course designed to teach healthcare providers about allergen immunotherapy (AIT) and its place in the management of respiratory allergies.
Respiration, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Behandlung allergischer Atemwegserkrankungen mit Allergenimmuntherapie
Dieser Kurs wurde entwickelt, um Gesundheitsexperten über die Allergenimmuntherapie und ihren Stellenwert bei der Behandlung von Atemwegsallergien zu informieren.
Genetics, General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Fast Facts: Alagille Syndrome
An interactive course designed to teach healthcare providers about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of Alagille syndrome, touching on clinical advances and research directions in the field.
General Medicine Free
AL Amyloidosis: What You Need to Know
A 60-minute, CPD-accredited, interactive eLearning course on AL Amyloidosis. This course has been designed to teach the multidisciplinary healthcare team how to identify, diagnose and manage AL amyloidosis in order to improve patient outcomes.
General Medicine, Podcasts Free
Fast Facts Podcast: ESMO 2022 – Exploring the Latest Trial Data and Advances in Breast Cancer Treatments
In this episode focused on breast cancer Dr Hope Rugo summarizes the TROPICS02 trial that she presented at ESMO 2022. We also discuss how data presented from the METEORA and ICON trials add to clinical understandings of immunotherapy response.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
An interactive eLearning course for healthcare providers about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Topics include epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, staging and management. This course should take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
FastTests Free
FastTest: Depression, 5th Edition
Test your knowledge on depression with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification. This quiz has been designed to accompany Fast Facts: Depression, 5th ed., published in 2023.
FastTests Free
FastTest: Molecular Profiling in Solid Tumors
Test your knowledge on molecular profiling in solid tumors with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Biosimilars for Pharmacists
This 90-minute, accredited eLearning course has been designed to teach pharmacists the essentials of biosimilars. It is appropriate for a wider audience of healthcare professionals. Topics include: preparation, approval, tolerability and safety.
General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: DMARDs and Safety in Rheumatoid Arthritis
A course for healthcare professionals about best practices for the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in the management of rheumatoid arthritis.
Dermatology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Psychodermatological Aspects of Psoriasis
An interactive course designed to teach you about the psychodermatological aspects of psoriasis, and how to manage them. This course is aimed at healthcare providers in the United Kingdom, but is suitable for a global audience.
Oncology, Dermatology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Dermoscopy
This is an interactive course designed to teach the basics of dermoscopy to healthcare professionals. This course should take you 60 minutes to complete.
General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Fast Facts: Ulcerative Colitis
A course for healthcare professionals who are already familiar with ulcerative colitis (UC). This course will teach you about the endoscopic scoring systems for UC and provide an update on current recommendations for its pharmacological management.
Essentials of Cytopathology: Interactive Case Collection
Sharpen your ability to recognize the broad spectrum of changes in cell morphology and translate it into a diagnosis.
Publishing Free
How to Write a Plain Language Summary
This 60-minute, free-to-access course will guide students through the process of creating a plain language summary to accompany their research paper.
Pathology, General Medicine Free
Salivary Gland Cytopathology
This interactive course on the cytological findings of the main salivary gland tumors is based on the Milan Reporting System.
Publishing $10.00
Performing Scientific Peer Review
A practical toolbox on how to peer review a scientific research manuscript, discussing ethics, guidelines, processes and decisions.
Peer Review Collection
A collection of courses to assist peer reviewers in (1) deciding whether to review a paper; (2) critically appraising the scientific content of a paper; (3) writing a clear report and recommendation for the journal's editor in chief.
Nephrology, General Medicine Free
Pruritus in Chronic Kidney Disease
Pruritus – itching – is common in people with chronic kidney disease. Yet patients often suffer in silence, and health professionals may underestimate its debilitating effects.
Campus (Portuguese)
Elaborar e publicar um artigo de pesquisa pode ser um processo complicado. Campus é uma coleção de cursos que simplifica esse processo.
Campus (Korean)
주로 주니어 연구자들을 위해 고안된 교육과정이지만 다음 단계로 나갈 준비가 되어 있는 경력있는 팀원들에게도 유익한 교육이 될 것입니다.
Campus (Spanish)
La redacción y publicación de un artículo de investigación puede ser un proceso complicado. Campus tiene una colección de cursos que lo simplifica.
Campus (Japanese)
研究論文を作成して発表することは複雑な作業です。キャンパスは、このような複雑 な作業を簡単にするさまざまなコースをご提供します。
Campus (Simplified Chinese)
课程主要为处于研究生涯初期的研究人员设计,对于想要提升自身技能的成熟研究团队 也会有所裨益。
General Medicine, Gastroenterology Free
Finding PFIC: Unraveling Pediatric Cholestasis
An interactive course designed to teach you about progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC). This course should take you 60 minutes to complete.
Publishing Free
How to Get Your Biomedical Paper Published
A practical guide for researchers to master the process of writing a scientific paper.
Publishing Free
Open Access Explained
Learn about the models of open access publishing and make the right decision for your paper.
Publishing Free
Presenting Data
A practical toolbox on how to choose the most appropriate presentation for your data and your audience.
Oncology, Pathology, General Medicine Free
Digital and Computational Cytology
Are you confused about 'convolutional neural networks' or fretful about 'feature extractors'? Does the term 'data wrangling' put you in a dither?
Publishing $25.00
Melhores Práticas para se tornar um Peer Reviewer
Um Kit de ferramentas práticas sobre como revisar um manuscrito científico, discutindo ética, diretrizes, processos e tomadas de decisão.
Genetics, Oncology, Pathology Free
Can My Hospital Benefit From Next-Generation Sequencing?
An expert panel of multidisciplinary authors have designed this course to help European hospital directors decide whether to utilize next-generation sequencing in-house or outsource to an external provider.
Nephrology, General Medicine Free
Hyperkalemia: Overcoming the Achilles' Heel of Guideline-Directed Therapy in CKD from Diabetes
Designed to teach you how to both delay the onset of and manage hyperkalemia in patients with CKD and type 2 diabetes. Topics include: SGLT2 inhibitors, RAAS inhibitors including non-steroidal MRAs, low-potassium diets, and potassium binders.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Recognizing and Managing Immune-related Adverse Events in Cancer Patients
Immune checkpoint inhibitors help the immune system to destroy cancer cells. This type of immunotherapy works differently from chemotherapy and causes different kinds of side effects, called immune-related adverse events.
Women's and Children's Health, General Medicine Free
Managing the Menopause in Primary Care
This course supports GPs to have helpful and effective counselling discussions with women seeking information about the menopause.
Publishing $29.00
01. How to Conduct Ethically Sound Research
At the end of this course, students will be able to: list the main ethical concerns in scientific writing and take appropriate steps to ensure their research is ethically sound.
Publishing $29.00
01. Cómo llevar a cabo una investigación éticamente sólida
Diseñados principalmente para investigadores que están iniciando su carrera, los cursos también beneficiarán a miembros de equipos con experiencia que estén listos para mejorar sus capacidades.
Publishing $29.00
01. Como Conduzir Pesquisa de Forma Ética
Ao final deste curso, os alunos deverão ser capazes de: Compreender o que éuma pesquisa ética. Entender o significado e a importância de uma pesquisa ser conduzida de forma ética.Prever e evitar potenciais conflitos de interesse.
Publishing $29.00
01. 如何进行符合伦理的研究
• 了解什么是符合伦理的研究 • 理解为什么符合伦理的研究至关重要 • 预见和避免可能发生的利益冲突 • 开展符合伦理的人体与动物研究
Publishing $29.00
01. 如何執行符合倫理的研究
在本課程結束時,學生將能:了解什麼是符合倫理的研究 掌握符合倫理研究重要性的意義 預見並避免潛在的利益衝突 進行對人類和動物符合倫理的研究
Publishing $29.00
01. 倫理的に健全な研究発表を行うために
このコースを終了すると、受講者は次のことができるようになります。 1)倫理的に健全な研究とは何かを理解する、 2)倫理的に健全な研究が重要である理由を把握する、 3)利益相反の可能性を予測し、回避する、 4)ヒトおよび動物を対象として倫理的に健全な研究を実施する。
Publishing $29.00
01. Comment mener des recherches conformes à l’éthique
À la fin de ce cours, les étudiants seront en mesure de : Comprendre ce qu'estune recherche conforme à l'éthique; Comprendre l'importance d'une recherche conforme à l'éthique; Prévoir et éviter les conflits d'intérêts potentiels.
Publishing $29.00
01. 윤리적으로 건전한 연구를 수행하는 방법
이번 강의를 마치고 나면 학생들은 다음의 것들이 가능하게 될 것입니다: 윤리적으로 건전한 연구가 무엇인지 이해할 수 있다. 윤리적으로 건전한연구가 왜 중요한지의 의의를 파악할 수 있다. 잠재적 이해 충돌을예견하고 방지할 수 있다. 인간과 동물을 대상으로 윤리적으로 건전한 연구를 수행할 수 있다
Publishing $29.00
01. Etik Kurallara Uygun Bir Araştırma Nasıl Yürütülür
Bu kursun sonunda öğrenciler: Etik kurallara uygun bir araştırmanınne ifade ettiği hakkında fikir sahibi olurlar Araştırmanın etik kurallara uygun yürütülmesinin neden önemli olduğuna dair farkındalık kazanırlar.
Publishing $29.00
02. How to Avoid Your Paper Being Rejected
At the end of this course, students will be able to: outline the journey a paper takes to becoming a published article; describe the most common reasons for rejection or revision; identify solutions to avoid their paper being rejected.
Publishing $29.00
02. 如何避免论文被拒稿
概述论文发表的过程。 描述发表过程的各个阶段被拒稿或要求修改的常见原因。 找出避免论文被拒的解决方案。
Publishing $29.00
02. Como Evitar que seu Artigo seja Rejeitado
Ao final deste curso, os alunos poderão delinear o caminho que um artigo leva para se tornar um artigo publicado; descrever as razões mais comuns para rejeição ou revisão; identificar soluções para evitar que seu artigo seja rejeitado.
Publishing $29.00
02. 論文の採択を阻むピットフォールを知る
このコースを修了すると、受講者は次のことができるようになります。 1)論文がジャーナルに掲載されるまでの経過と概要を説明できる、 2)出版プロセスの各段階で生じる不採択または改訂の最も一般的な理由を説明できる、 3)論文が不採択とならないようにするための解決策を見極められる。
Publishing $29.00
02. 논문 게재 승인 방법
이번 과정이 끝나면 학생들은 다음의 것들을 할 수 있게 됩니다: 논문이 출간되기까지의 전반적인 논문 절차의 개요를 설명할 수 있습니다. 출간 과정의 각 단계에서 거절 또는 수정에 대한 가장 공통된 이유를 기술할 수 있습니다. 논문 거절을 방지하는 해결책을 파악할 수 있습니다.
Publishing $29.00
02. Cómo evitar que se rechace su artículo
Explicar a grandes rasgos el proceso por el que pasa un artículo hasta su publicación. Describir los motivos más frecuentes del rechazo o la revisión en cada etapa del proceso Identificar soluciones para evitar que el artículo sea rechazado.
Publishing $29.00
03. How to Write a Compelling Case Report
At the end of this course, students will be able to: decide whether to publish a patient case; choose a journal; write clearly and ethically; outline common reasons for rejection.
Publishing $29.00
03. Comment rédiger un rapport de cas convaincant
À la fin de ce cours, les étudiants seront en mesure de : Décider si un rapport de cas de patient ajoute de la valeur à la documentation scientifique et sera susceptible d’être publié.
Publishing $29.00
03. Etkili bir Olgu Bildirisi Nasıl Yazılır
Bu dersin sonunda öğrenciler: Bir hasta olgu bildirisinin bilimsel literatüre değer katıp katmayacağına ve yayınlanma olasılığı olup olmadığına dair karara varabilirler.
Publishing $29.00
03. Como Escrever um Relato de Caso Convincente
Ao final deste curso, os alunos deverão ser capazes de: Decidir se um relato de caso de paciente agregará valor à literatura científica e terá probabilidade de ser publicado.
Publishing $29.00
03. Cómo redactar una presentación convincente de un caso clínico
Al final de este curso, los estudiantes podrán: Decidir si la presentación de un caso clínico de un paciente agregará valor a la bibliografía científica y si es probable que se publique.
Publishing $29.00
03. 설득력 있는 사례 보고서 작성법
이 과정의 목표는 다음과 같습니다: 환자 사례 보고서가 과학 문헌에 가치를 더하게 될 지와 출간 가능성이 있는지를 결정할 수 있다 출간을 위해 사례 보고서를 채택해 줄 가능성이 가장 높은 타겟 저널을 선정할 수 있다 명확하고, 윤리적이며 흥미로운 사례 보고서를 작성할 수 있다 사례 보고서가 게재 거부되는 가장 일반적인 이유들을 요약해 설명할 수 있다
Publishing $29.00
03. 如何写出令人信服的病例报告
确定一份患者病例报告是否对科学文献带来价值,是否有可能发表 选择录用几率最大的投稿期刊 撰写行文清晰、符合伦理和有趣的病例报告 概述病例报告被拒稿的最常见的原因
Publishing $29.00
03. 出版価値のある症例報告の書き方
Publishing $29.00
03. 如何撰寫令人信服的個案報告
本課程結束時,學生們將能夠:判斷病患個案報告是否能提升科學文獻的價值以及是否有機會在期刊上發表出刊. 選定最有可能接受其個案報告刊出的目標期刊. 撰寫清晰、符合倫理、且有趣的個案報告. 了解個案報告最常見遭到駁回的理由
Publishing $29.00
04. How to Write a Clinical Research Paper
At the end of this course, students will be able to: list the main uses of each type of clinical research; decide which reporting guidelines to use; describe the function of each section of a paper; write a clear and interesting paper.
Publishing $29.00
04. Cómo escribir un artículo de investigación clínica
Al final de este curso, los estudiantes podrán hacer lo siguiente: Enumerar los principales puntos fuertes y las limitaciones de cada tipo de investigación clínica. Decidir qué pautas de presentación son adecuadas para orientar su redacción.
Publishing $29.00
04. Como Escrever um Artigo de Pesquisa Clínica
Listar as principais forças e limitações de cada tipo de pesquisa clínica Decidir quais diretrizes de relato são adequadas para orientar sua redação Descrever a função de cada seção de um artigo e como essas seções se relacionam
Publishing $29.00
04. 如何撰写临床研究论文
列举出每种临床研究类型的主要优势和局限性。 确定哪些报告指南适合指导自己写作。 描述论文各部分的作用和相互之间的关系。 撰写清晰、符合伦理规范、有趣的研究论文。
Publishing $29.00
04. 臨床研究論文の書き方
Publishing $29.00
04. 임상연구논문 작성법
임상연구의 각 유형에 대한 주요 장점 및 한계를 열거할 수 있다. 어떤보고 지침이 자신의 글쓰기 안내에 적합한지 결정할 수 있다. 논문의각 섹션 기능과 그것이 어떻게 관련되어 있는지 기술할 수 있다. 명확하고윤리적이며 흥미로운 연구 논문을 작성할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
05. How to Review a Clinical Research Paper
At the end of this course, students will be able to: describe what is unique about reviewing clinical research; identify key elements to check in a study paper; write a clear and practical review report.
Publishing $29.00
05. Cómo revisar un artículo de investigación clínica
Explicar por qué la revisión de la investigación clínica es diferente de la revisión de otros tipos de investigación Identificar los elementos clave que un revisor debe buscar en un estudio de investigación clínica
Publishing $29.00
05. Como Revisar um Artigo de Pesquisa Clínica
Explicar por que revisar pesquisas clínicas é diferente de revisar outros tipos de pesquisas. Identificar os elementos-chave que um revisor deve procurar em um estudo de pesquisa clínica.
Publishing $29.00
05. 臨床研究論文の査読方法を知る
このコースを修了すると、受講者は次のことができるようになります。1)臨床研究の査読が他の種類の研究の査読と異なる理由を説明すること、 2)査読者が臨床研究で確認すべき重要な要素を特定すること、 3)臨床研究論文の原稿が出版に適しているかどうかを編集委員長が判断するのに役立つように、査読コメントに何を含めるべきかを説明すること、 4)著者が臨床研究論文の原稿を改善するのを助けるために、査読コメントを作成すること。
Publishing $29.00
05. 如何评审临床研究论文
解释评审临床研究不同于评审其他研究类型的原因。 识别出评审员在临床研究论文中应当查找的关键要素。 描述评审报告里应当包含的内容,以帮助编辑确定一篇临床研究稿件是否适合发表。 撰写评审报告,以帮助作者改进其临床研究稿件。
Publishing $29.00
05. 임상연구 논문 평가 방법
이번 과정이 끝나면 학생들은 다음의 것들을 할 수 있을 것입니다: 임상연구 평가가 다른 연구 유형의 검토와 다른 이유를 설명할 수 있다. 평가자가 임상연구에서 찾아야 하는 핵심 요소를 파악할 수 있다. 검토 보고서에 포함되어야 하는 것을 기술하여 임상연구 원고가 게재하기 적합한지 여부를 편집자가 결정하도록 도울 수 있다. 저자가 자신의 임상연구 원고를 개선하도록 돕는 검토 보고서를 작성할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
06. How to Choose a Target Journal
At the end of this course, students will be able to: understand the advantages of being published in a high-quality journal; list the publishing needs of a particular paper; identify which journals are best able to meet those needs.
Publishing $29.00
06. Como Escolher um Periódico
Compreender as vantagens de ter um artigo publicado em um periódico de alta qualidade. Listar as necessidades de publicação de um artigo específico. Identificar quais periódicos podem atender melhor a essas necessidades.
Publishing $29.00
06. Cómo elegir una revista objetivo
Al final de este curso, los estudiantes podrán: comprender las ventajas de ser publicados en una revista de alta calidad.enumerar las necesidades de publicación de un artículo en concreto.
Publishing $29.00
06. 저널을 선택하는 방법
이 과정을 마치면 학생들은 다음을 할 수 있게 됩니다: 고품질 저널에 게재되는 장점을 이해한다 특정 논문 출간에 대한 필요성을 열거한다 어떤 저널이 그러한 요구에 가장 잘 부합할 수 있는지 파악한다
Publishing $29.00
06. 如何选择期刊
此课程结束时,学生们将能够: 理解在高质量期刊上发表论文的优势 列出特定论文的发表需求 甄别哪些期刊最能满足这些需求
Publishing $29.00
07. How to Review a Systematic Review Paper
At the end of this course, students will be able to: identify the key elements a reviewer should look for in a systematic review; write a report to help an editor decide whether a systematic review manuscript is suitable for publication.
Publishing $29.00
07. Como Revisar um Artigo de Revisão Sistemática
Explicar por que revisar um artigo de revisão sistemática é diferente de outros tipos de revisão Identificar os principais elementos que um revisor deve procurar em uma revisão sistemática
Publishing $29.00
07. Cómo revisar un artículo de revisión sistemática
Explicar por qué revisar una revisión sistemática es diferente que hacer otros tipos de revisiones. Identificar los elementos clave que un revisor debe buscar en una revisión sistemática.
Publishing $29.00
07. 체계적 문헌고찰 논문 평가 방법
1. 체계적 문헌고찰 평가가 다른 평가 유형과 다른 이유를 설명할 수 있다. 2. 평가자가 체계적 문헌고찰에서 찾아야 하는 핵심 요소를 확인할 수 있다. 3. 편집자로 하여금 체계적 문헌고찰 원고가 출판에 적합한지 여부를 결정하는데 도움이 되도록 평가 보고서에 어떤 내용을 포함해야 하는지 이해할 수 있다. 4. 저자가 체계적 문헌고찰 원고를 향상할 수 있도록 도와줄 평가 보고서를 작성할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
07. 如何评审系统综述论文
解释为什么系统综述评审与其他评审类型不同。 识别一篇系统综述中评审员应该寻找的关键要素。 理解评审报告中应该包含什么内容,才能帮助编辑决定系统综述稿件是否适合发表。 撰写评审报告,以帮助作者改进自己的系统综述稿件。
Publishing $29.00
08. How to Conduct a Systematic Review
At the end of this course, students will be able to: decide whether a systematic review and meta-analysis is suitable to answer a particular research question; perform a structured and reproducible systematic review; write a clear paper.
Publishing $29.00
08. 如何开展系统综述
确定系统综述和/或荟萃分析是否合适回答某一研究问题; 开展一项可复制的结构化系统综述; 撰写符合报告指南要求、行文清晰的论文。
Publishing $29.00
08. Cómo escribir un artículo de revisión sistemática
Decidir si una revisión sistemática o un metaanálisis es adecuado para responder una pregunta de investigación específica. Realizar una revisión sistemática estructurada y reproducible. Escribir un artículo claro que siga las pautas de presentación.
Publishing $29.00
08. 체계적 문헌고찰을 수행하는 방법
체계적 문헌고찰 및/또는 메타분석이 특정 연구 질문에 답하기 적합한지 판단할 수 있다. 구조화되고 재현 가능한 체계적 문헌고찰을 수행할 수 있다. 보고 가이드라인에 부합하는 명확한 논문을 작성할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
08. Como Realizar uma Revisão Sistemática
Decidir se uma revisão sistemática e/ou uma meta-análise é adequada para responder a uma determinada questão de pesquisa. Conduzir uma revisão sistemática estruturada e reproduzível. Escrever um artigo claro que siga diretrizes de relato.
Publishing $29.00
09. How to Decide on Preprints and Open Access
At the end of this course, students will be able to: decide if and where to upload their preprint; choose the right model of Open Access to publish their work; identify what copyright license is ideal for their paper.
Publishing $29.00
09. Pré-Impressões e Acesso Aberto
Decidir se deverão fazer upload da sua pré-impressão, e onde. Escolher o modelo certo de Acesso Aberto para publicarem seu trabalho. Identificar qual licença de direitos autorais é ideal para seu artigo.
Publishing $29.00
09. Cómo decidir sobre la prepublicación y la licencia de acceso libre
Decidir si subir un preprint y cuándo hacerlo. Elegir el modelo adecuado de acceso libre (OA) para publicar su trabajo. Identificar qué licencia de derechos de autor es la ideal para su artículo.
Publishing $29.00
09. 预印本和开放获取
确定是否上传预印本,在哪上传; 选择正确的开放获取模式来发表作品; 找到最适合自己论文的版权许可协议。
Publishing $29.00
09. 사전 인쇄본 및 오픈 액세스
사전 인쇄본 업로드 여부와 업로드 위치를 결정할 수 있다. 연구물을 출간하기에 적합한 오픈 액세스 모델을 선택할 수 있다. 어떤 저작권 라이선스가 자신의 논문에 이상적인지 파악할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
10. How to Get Your Paper Noticed following Publication
At the end of this course, students will be able to: list the benefits of promoting their research; choose the most appropriate platform; develop a strategy for their social media activity.
Publishing $29.00
10. 如何让你的论文获得关注
列举在社交媒体上推广研究的潜在好处。 根据具体目标选择最合适的平台。 为自己的社交媒体活动制定策略,评估是否成功。
Publishing $29.00
10. Cómo dar a conocer su artículo después de la publicación
Enumerar los posibles beneficios de promocionar su investigación en las redes sociales. Elegir la plataforma más adecuada según sus objetivos individuales. Elaborar una estrategia para sus actividades en las redes sociales y evaluar su éxito.
Publishing $29.00
10. 논문을 알리는 방법
소셜 미디어에서 연구를 홍보하는 잠재적 이점을 열거할 수 있다 . 자신의 개별 목표에 따라 가장 적합한 플랫폼을 선택할 수 있다 . 소셜 미디어 활동을 위한 전략을 개발할 수 있으며 그 성공을 평가할 수 있다.
Publishing $29.00
10. Como Fazer Seu Artigo Ser Notado
Listar os benefícios em potencial da promoção da sua pesquisa em mídias sociais. Escolher a plataforma mais apropriada, dependendo das suas metas individuais. Desenvolver uma estratégia para suas atividades em mídias sociais e avaliar o seu sucesso.
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FastTest: Recognizing Refractory Myasthenia Gravis
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FastTest: Heart Failure
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FastTest: Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Test your knowledge on postmenopausal osteoporosis with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Test your knowledge on excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
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FastTest: Leukemia
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FastTest: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
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FastTest: Lymphoma
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FastTest: Disorders of the Hair and Scalp
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FastTest: Cardiac Arrhythmias
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FastTest: Acute Myeloid Leukemia
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FastTest: Osteoarthritis
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FastTest: Myelofibrosis
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FastTest: Biosimilars
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FastTest: Chronic and Cancer Pain
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FastTest: Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
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FastTest: Parkinson's Disease
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FastTest: Pancreas and Biliary Tract Diseases
Test your knowledge on pancreas and biliary tract diseases with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Treatment Optimization of Motor Fluctuations in Parkinson's Disease
Test your knowledge on treatment optimization of motor fluctuations in Parkinson's Disease with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
Test your knowledge on peripheral T-cell lymphoma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Managing Immune-Related Adverse Events in Oncology
Test your knowledge on managing immune-related adverse events in oncology with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Medical Statistics
Test your knowledge on medical statistics with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Complex Perianal Fistulas in Crohn's Disease
Test your knowledge on complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's Disease with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Test your knowledge on thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: CAR T Therapy in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Test your knowledge on CAR T therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Test your knowledge on myelodysplastic syndromes with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Test your knowledge on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy (CAR T)
Test your knowledge on chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Clinical Trials in Oncology
Test your knowledge on clinical trials in oncology with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Prostate Cancer
Test your knowledge on prostate cancer with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN)
Test your knowledge on blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Test your knowledge on pyruvate kinase deficiency with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Ovarian Cancer
Test your knowledge on ovarian cancer with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Test your knowledge on chronic lymphocytic leukemia with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Comprehensive Genomic Profiling
Test your knowledge on comprehensive genomic profiling with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Acute Pancreatitis
Test your knowledge on acute pancreatitis with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Hyperlipidemia
Test your knowledge on hyperlipidemia with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Biosimilars - Hematology-Oncology
Test your knowledge on biosimilars - hematology-oncology with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Perioperative Pain
Test your knowledge on perioperative pain with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL)
Test your knowledge on cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Test your knowledge on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Digital Medicine - Measurement
Test your knowledge on digital medicine - measurement with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Gene Therapy
Test your knowledge on gene therapy with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Glioblastoma
Test your knowledge on glioblastoma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Test your knowledge on inflammatory bowel disease with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Psychosis in Parkinson's Disease
Test your knowledge on psychosis in Parkinson's disease with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Long-Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders
Test your knowledge on long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Type 2 Diabetes
Test your knowledge on type 2 diabetes with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Type 1 Diabetes in Adults
Test your knowledge on type 1 diabetes in adults with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Cholangiocarcinoma
Test your knowledge on cholangiocarcinoma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Immuno-Oncology
Test your knowledge on immuno-oncology with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Multiple Sclerosis
Test your knowledge on multiple sclerosis with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Respiratory Allergies
Test your knowledge on respiratory allergies with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Asthma
Test your knowledge on asthma with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Kidney Itch
Test your knowledge on kidney itch with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Test your knowledge on non-small-cell lung cancer with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.
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FastTest: Acne
Test your knowledge on acne with this 10-question quiz, complete with certification.