explain the purpose of molecular profiling.
discuss the benefits of molecular profiling with your patients.
select the right test for your patient's tumor.
explain what can be done for patients whose molecular profiling does not reveal targetable alterations.
About This Course
This 30-minute course for healthcare providers aims to teach the basics of molecular profiling in solid tumors: what it is, what it's for, and how to discuss it with patients. It contains helpful tips for discussion, such as how to manage disappointment when no actionable results are found.
We have also published a book on this subject, which you can download for free here: https://karger.com/books/book/3326/Fast-Facts-Molecular-Profiling-in-Solid-Tumors
This course has a 2-year expiry date of 6th September 2026. If you complete this course after its expiry date, please double check all claims in this course with up-to-date, peer-reviewed information, as the diagnostic or treatment landscape may have changed.
CME/CPD Information
This course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (UEMS-EACCME®) with 0.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®). This accreditation certifies the quality and relevance of the educational content.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Expert Faculty
This course has been made in close collaboration with:
Course Curriculum
Welcome to the Course
Introduction to Precourse Quiz
Precourse Quiz
Introduction to Molecular Profiling
Communicating Results - Clinician's Perspective
Communicating Results - Patient's Perspective
Introduction to Final Quiz
Final Quiz
Conclusions and Take-Home Messages
Course Feedback Survey

About this course
- Free
- 11 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
Course Summary Sheet
Download the course summary sheet here: Molecular Profiling Summary Sheet.pdf