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Have a look at our ever-expanding range of courses in the Health Sciences. Our course material is carefully crafted by leading experts in the field to ensure you get the newest, most reliable knowledge at one click. Some are free, others have a fee, but all successful course completions are validated with a certificate - some modules will even earn you CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points.
New Courses
Genetics, Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Molecular Profiling in Solid Tumors
This 30-minute course for healthcare providers aims to teach the basics of molecular profiling in solid tumors: what it is, what it's for, and how to discuss it with patients.
Oncology, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Oncology and Nutrition
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. It has been designed to introduce you to the diversity of nutritional risks, status, assessments, and interventions in patients with cancer.
Women's and Children's Health, General Medicine Free
Fast Facts: Infant Faltering Growth
An interactive course for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to teach you everything you need to know about faltering growth in infants under 2 years of age.