define faltering, catch-up, accelerated, and normal growth.
explain the consequences of faltering growth on patients and their communities.
identify faltering growth, accelerated growth, and catch-up growth from example growth charts.
explain the recommendations for management of faltering growth.
About This Course
Measurement of growth is an important and non-invasive health surveillance tool during infancy and childhood. Faltering growth is characterized by a slower rate of weight gain than expected for the child's age, sex, and current weight.
This course has been designed to teach healthcare providers everything they need to know about faltering growth in order to increase recognition and improve patient care. It should take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
This course has a 2-year expiry date of 14th May 2026. If you complete this course after its expiry date, please double check all claims in this course with up-to-date, peer-reviewed information, as the diagnostic or treatment landscape may have changed.
CME/CPD Information
This course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (UEMS-EACCME®) with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®). This accreditation certifies the quality and relevance of the educational content.
This eLearning course has also undergone review and approval by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
ASPEN eLearning center: www.nutritioncare.org/eLearning
Main ASPEN website: www.nutritioncare.org
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Expert Faculty
This course has been made in close collaboration with:
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Course
Introduction to Precourse Quiz
Precourse Quiz
Defining Growth
Causes and Consequences of Faltering Growth
Identification of Faltering Growth
Management of Faltering Growth
Introduction to Final Quiz
Final Quiz
Conclusions and Take-Home Messages
Course Feedback Survey

About this course
- Free
- 12 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
Course Summary Sheet
Download the course summary sheet here: FG Infants Summary Sheet.pdf
Other Languages
This course has also been published in:
Bahasa Indonesia: https://courses.karger.com/courses/fast-facts-gagal-tumbuh-pada-bayi
Spanish: https://courses.karger.com/courses/fast-facts-fallo-de-medro-en-ninos
Russian: https://courses.karger.com/courses/fast-facts-ifg-russian
Chinese (Simplified) : https://courses.karger.com/courses/fast-facts-ifg-chinese
French: https://courses.karger.com/courses/fast-facts-ifg-french