
Tailormade for you, reviewed by experts.

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Have a look at our ever-expanding range of courses in the Health Sciences. Our course material is carefully crafted by leading experts in the field to ensure you get the newest, most reliable knowledge at one click. Some are free, others have a fee, but all successful course completions are validated with a certificate - some modules will even earn you CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points. 


  • Created by Experts

    Stay up-to-date on the latest knowledge thanks to our experts.

  • Certificate of Completion

    Be awarded with a certificate at the end of every course - or even gain some CPD points.

  • Bitesize Lessons

    No matter what the topic, find always easily digestible courses.

  • Access Anywhere

    Available on desktop, tablet and mobile, so you can learn at any time.


Prof. Dr. Fernando Schmitt

President of the International Academy of Cytology, Professor of Pathology at the Medical Faculty of University of Porto

I have many colleagues around the world that ask young people to review papers without any instructions beforehand, with no explanation of any guidelines that you can follow to review papers. The "How to review a paper" Campus course that Karger offers is extremely useful. I say to my fellow residents that review papers with me: "Before you start to review papers, do this course."